About Me

My name is Johan MacIver and I am one of the leading hypnotherapists in Glasgow.
I qualified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in 2002 with the internationally respected London College of Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH) and undertook further study to gain post graduate diplomas at Practitioner level and Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapy.
I have had varied career experience ranging from working in the Hotel Industry , Computing Services at Glasgow University to working at the BBC Helpline as an adviser dealing with many issues ranging from mental health issues, health issues to financial problems.
I am originally from Fort William and have lived in Glasgow for many years.
I have lived in Glasgow longer than anywhere else but I guess a small part of me still thinks of myself as a Highlander
I love Glasgow , however my second choice of city would be Liverpool. I love it there and have visited many times and always have to go on the ferry across the Mersey and of course I sing along with Gerry and the Pacemakers as it plays on the ferry .
I have many interests including reading, mainly autobiographies. One of my favourites is by Jane Fonda. She is an example of someone who has had to overcome many issues including bulimia .
I also read Matthew Perry’s autobiography where he reveals his harrowing struggle with addiction. He sadly died recently
I help my my grandson create puppet masks. He is the designer and I make the masks . I am often covered in glue and paint
I love walking and being in the countryside and its very handy to have Loch Lomond just on our doorstep.
I regularly listen to hypnosis audios. I wish I had discovered hypnosis years ago as it has helped me with so many things including gaining control over my weight. I used to be a yoyo dieter but I no longer do that
Last year I suffered with serious vertigo and I recorded a hypnosis audio for myself and can now stand up without falling over which is a huge bonus 🙂
I have been a volunteer adviser with the Citizen Advice Bureau.
I have also been a mentor for the National Autistic Society
I have also been a volunteer counsellor with Glasgow Council On Alcohol
Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis (Distinction) .
Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis
Practitioner Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (Distinction)
I have also been approved through Enhanced Disclosure and have passed a PVG check
Look no further for a hypnotherapist in Glasgow , arrange a consultation with me get started now