The Wight Relaxation Room
Hypnotherapy in Glasgow

What happens in the brain under hypnosis

What happens to the brain while under hypnosis?

Harvard researchers examined the brains of 57 people while they were under guided hypnosis. They discovered:
During hypnosis, two areas of the brain that are responsible for processing and controlling what is going on in your body become more active.

Similarly, during hypnosis, the area of your brain that is responsible for your actions and the area that is aware of those actions appear to be disconnected.

Is this all a placebo effect?
It is possible, but hypnosis causes significant differences in brain activity. This suggests that the brain responds to hypnosis in a distinct manner, one that is stronger than a placebo effect.

The placebo effect, like hypnosis, is driven by suggestion. Guided conversations or any type of behavioral therapy can have a significant impact on behavior and feelings. One of these therapy tools is hypnosis.

In our everyday life we go into a trance state.   eg while daydreaming….driving…watching a film. It is a perfectly natural state  and hypnotherapy uses this state to help mae changes . You are in total control at all times

Contact today and you can discover the wonderful effects of hypnosis


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