The Wight Relaxation Room
Hypnotherapy in Glasgow

Hypnobirthing Testimonials

Hypnobirthing Testimonials

Happy people who have been to my hypnobirthing classes in person and hypnobirthing classes online



Nina Pacci Glasgow

My first labour was induced and involved an epidural, forceps delivery and a lot of discomfort afterwards. My second labour was just beautiful, easy and pain free. All this is due to Johan and the hypnobirthing course I did with her over 4 weeks . Johan taught me how to relax, breathe and imagine beautiful things. I felt I bonded with my son  before the birth and I was really looking forward to meeting him . Any time I felt a bit tense about how the birth might be, I focused on my relaxation techniques and every time I ended  with feelings of anticipation and excitement, not worry or anxiety. My husband came to the last class with me and he loved the experience too.

When labour actually started we were both calm and relaxed. It all happened so calmly that in fact our son arrived at home on the bed. We had planned on going to the hospital but my waters broke and baby Mark was already arriving. I thought I had ages to go as I was not in any pain, just a bit of discomfort. One minute I was holding a conversation with my neighbour whom we had asked to babysit our daughter and about 15 minutes later our son was born. My husband and neighbour helped deliver him while my daughter slept peacefully in the next room.

An ambulance arrived 5 or 10 minutes later and the medics helped my husband cut the cord and then we were taken to hospital for checks. Everything was calm, quiet and just wonderful.

I couldn’t believe it was all so easy and painless. Hypnobirthing just worked with my body’s natural processes and because I had no fear,I had no pain. It was amazing. In the first few weeks after the birth I found the relaxation techniques were very useful. Sometimes when I was very tired , I would begin to get stressed if Mark didn’t settle too easily. Then I would relax and breathe as Johan had taught me and the stress would disappear. I wish every woman in the world could do hypnobirthing. It is just so easy, natural and allows us to have an amazing birthing experience. Please try it, your baby will be brought into the world in the best way possible.
What a wonderful start their little life would have!


This was my first baby and I was pretty nervous about giving birth. I had heard about hypnobirthing and thought it sounded good. I liked the sound of Johan’s course.  After the first session it really showed me that I really wanted to control everything in my life. This is not a good way to look at labour as this just made me not want to think about it and made me anxious, when I realised it was not something that you have total control over.  The course helped me change my unhealthy beliefs and along with the breathing and massage techniques made me feel so much better about labour. The actual labour was great. The breathing really helped the first stage and helped me get through the second stage. I felt very poweful sensations but I would not describe them as pain. Eventually Sam was born and I am still on a high a couple of months later. Thanks Johan you are so encouraging and enthusiastic. I hate to think what kind of experience I would have had without this course.

Lesley Punton 

I tried the breathing and while it didn’t quite work as I imagined, something happened when I told myself to consider each contraction simply as a build up of pressure. I became calm and still and breathed softly and evenly through each contraction and can honestly say they weren’t painful. Any staff that spoke of how I was doing said I was extremely calm, and during each contraction I became very quiet and still. It was only at this point Jim would refrain from touching me (my need – not his!) and casual observers would probably have been unaware anything much was happening. So no shouting or screaming, and no pain medication. I spent a good deal of my labour in the birthing pool, and my 2 midwifes over the time I was in hospital were absolutely incredible. They acknowledged everything in my birth plan, and I feel a powerful affection and depth of feeling towards Rebecca who delivered little Angus.

As labour was taking a while, we did eventually have to speed things up a bit with syntocinon and at that point it got painful (I was at transition, it turned out) and I needed some help with gas and air for a short while, (though it interfered with my ability to relax and deal with my contractions). But overall, I had a magnificent birth experience.

…the harder part was getting home and dealing with the day to day reality of us now being three!

I think my relaxation techniques learned at hypnobirthing allowed me to discover my own way to successfully manage my birthing. So, thank you.

Ruth and Adi Howard 

Finley was born three days overdue on the 31st of August at 4.52am weighing 8lb 3 oz. I had woken up on the 30th after a really bad nights sleep not feeling quite right, I think this was the beginning of slow labour as I was having mild back cramps about 40 minutes apart. I went to my midwife appointment and she said that might be the start of labour. I walked home and on the way frantically stocked up with food at Tesco’s which was probably another sign! As the day went on the surges got stronger and more frequent and we eventually called the hospital at 10pm. I think the hypnobirthing helped us remain so calm throughout the day, we just chilled and watched movies and Adi read me the relaxations. By about 11.30pm the midwifes arrived at our house, I was in the birth pool by then and the water really helped me relax, as I had been finding it really hard to stay still, all the surges were in my lower back, I just felt the need to move around all the time. I came out the pool then as my surges were slowing.

I think the midwives were worried that I was not even in labour as they kept saying they did not want me to be disappointed! And to be honest I was not even sure if I was in labour or if this was just a really strong practice labour. I tried to get some sleep, as I was so tired by this point and I had been sick a few times, but the midwifes said it was a good sign. By 2.30 am I asked for an internal as I did not want to be wasting their time and to see if I actually was in labour, turned out I was 5cm dilated and my waters broke accidently during the exam. The labour rocketed after this, but I also felt so much better during the surges, they were stronger but I could stay still and breathe through them. After a lot of rocking on my birth ball I moved back into the pool again, but had to come out as my surges slowed again. Before long I could feel his head move down and I did not experience the dreaded transition, I was just to ready to have him in my arms. I moved back into the pool and I could feel my body starting to move him down and I just used the used the breathing all the way through. He was born in the pool and caught by Adi.

It was the most amazing experience of our lives. I believe the hypnobirthing made such a huge difference to our birth, our midwife said it was textbook and it was obvious we were prepared for it. I had no tearing or anything and the placenta came away fine.
We are just so happy with the experience, it could not have gone any better, although I must admit I did try gas and air once but it was rubbish and I felt it hindered my breathing.

Finley is a really happy and content baby and loves having his baths. He has taken to breastfeeding no problem and now weighs 11lb 4oz at 4 weeks!

Thankyou for all the help and advice at the classes, we really achieved what we wanted.

Julie Dougan’s birth story. 

I’m delighted to let you know that Liam Alexander Dougan was born on 16th June weighing 8lbs and 13oz.

My surges started at 0430 and we stayed at home until 1500. I even managed to make a loaf of bread in the morning!!! The relaxation was invaluable in allowing us to stay at home for so long and by the time I got to hospital I was 6cm dilated. I went straight into the pool at 1600 and was fully dilated by 7pm – during this I was focusing on the blue satin ribbons. Unfortunately I couldn’t give birth in the pool as they were having problems with the water supply and couldn’t keep the temperature up. When I came out the pool at 7pm they thought I would give birth within the half hour, however, the surges slowed and the birth was at 2151. We used the slow down as a opportunity to take a rest which worked well.

I managed to do hypnobirthing for almost all of the labour although the urge to push for the final hour was too strong and when I did try the birth breathing, I wasn’t making much progress.

It’s worth noting that when I got to hospital they didn’t think I was in labour as I was so calm [:-)] The midwife couldn’t believe I was 6cm. After the birth, the sister came to see us and said that we were very unusual as we were both so calm and relaxed through it all. The staff at the Southern General were very supportive of hypnobirthing and lots of them were asking me about it after the birth.

So all in all I’d say my hypnobirthing was a big success. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help and support throughout the course.

If we have a second baby I’ll def be using hypnobirthing again and can hopefully combine it with a fullwater birth.

Thanks again.

Julie Dougan from Glasgow

Laura’s story

I started surges about 11pm when 5 days past my estimated due date. Surges seemed very mild, even though 6 minutes apart, so I phoned the hospital. The midwife didn’t sound convinced that I was in labour, as I was at that stage talking through surges, so  she suggested I wait until surges were 3 minutes apart before coming in. I carried on with my Rainbow Relaxation and the relaxation music and eventually fell asleep about 1am with my headphones on, while surges continued.

I woke up about 3.30am upon which my membranes released and I had one enormous surge, so we headed off to the hospital ( which was complicated by having to wake our 3 year old and deliver him to our neighbour on the way). I told my husband to drive as quickly as he could, as I didn’t think the birth was far off.

We made it to the hospital just after 5am and the midwife just looked at me as I came in the door and took me straight to the delivery suite, she told me she could see I was in labour!!  We never did find out how far I was dilated, there was not time to do anything other than check in.

My husband put on the relaxation music, and we gave the midwife our birth preferences which she seemed quite happy with, she told me I was her second hypnobirthing mum that night.

I was still just about managing to keep going with the breathing during surges, but needed gas and air for the last part and probably less than 45 mins later Hannah made her entry into the world.

While I didn’t manage the birth breathing as I had hoped I was able to use all the other hypnobirthing techniques during labour. I had no interventions or pain relief apart from the gas and air and no stitches.

I was very pleased with how well I managed in labour, being so relaxed during labour meant I was home almost the whole time.

Laura from Glasgow 

Carol’s story

I was very nervous about giving birth. Friends and family had told me so many horror stories that I was absolutely terrified about giving birth and that is what helped me to decide I had to do something else so this led me to do HypnoBirthing. I thought there had to be a better way. I was a bit sceptical about the course as again so many people said birthing was going to be horrible. I really began to believe that I was in for a terrible time. However I was open to another way. And now I am so glad I did not listen to friends as I had the most fantastic experience giving birth to my daughter. It was an  incredible and empowering  experience and I can’t thank Johan enough for her support and encouragement which made this a fantastic experience for me and my husband. I would give birth again and again. It was so wonderful so thank you Johan x

Carol from West end Of Glasgow 


I am a second time mother and did not have a good experience with my first birth. I read about HypnoBirthing in the media and thought it sounded really good. I contacted Johan and joined her Sunday class. Johan has a very friendly and welcoming manner so I felt relaxed straight away. It was also good to have the support of the other couples in the class.

Also around 36 weeks my baby was in breech position. Johan offers an extra one hour session for any reason so I took up this extra session to help turn my baby using hypnosis. I was amazed that it actually worked. My baby turned that night. At the scan the next day my baby was in the right position.

My labour was amazing as well. I had no pain, all I felt was pressure. My labour lasted 4 hours in total and the midwives were in total awe that I was so calm. My partner was also relieved as he remembered my first labour and was not looking forward to this one. Now he is totally converted to hypnotherapy and has even used it himself to give up smoking!

Louise from Ayr  

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