Weight loss hypnosis Glasgow
Want to lose weight without dieting or missing out of your favourite foods? Then you have come to the right place
Are you ready to invest in your future health so that you can live your best life?
How to start this right now:
Before you eat ask yourself where you are on the hunger scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is really hungry and 1 is full up and 5 is neutral
Only eat when you are sure you are physically hungry and for no other reason
Sounds simple doesnt it
It might be simple but if it was easy nobody would have a weight problem
This is the way we start in life, we eat when hungry and stop when not, but things can get complicated
We might be told certain things as a child eg
- finish your dinner and you can go out to play
- if you hurt yourself you might be given a sweet to comfort you when what would have really helped would be a hug
Finish your dinner can cause you to believe you always have to clear your plate- not great if you are trying to lose weight
If you are given a sweet when you hurt yourself this can cause you to comfort yourself as an adult, either with food or alcohol
My Hypnotrim programme can help you to change the this type of thinking that caused your weight issues
But I cant do it on my own
Your part in this is means commiting to listen to the audios and making the changes that I suggest.
You are very involved in the process
If you are willing to work at this then it can work for you
The process begins with you
start now
Is this hypnotherapy programme right for you to lose weight?
You are very involved in the process as you will be working at changing your beliefs and doing certain easy tasks.
If you are willing to do this you can successfully lose weight
The people who consistently do what I advise lose weight and it is not difficult . It is about commiting to listen to the audios and making some changes to your life
Are you willing to do the tasks and listen to audios regularly?
Then this programme can help you
If you don’t do the tasks and listen to the audios consistently then you won’t get the success you want
These are easy tasks and the audios are relaxing ..
I am here to help you at every stage so that you can have the success you want
Just imagine being at your goal weight, wearing the clothes you want to wear and not just to cover up .
Just imagine yourself full of energy, fit and healthy,trim and toned
You don’t have to just imagine it, let it become your reality by contacting me today
Lose weight more easily with my hypno-trim technique to shrink your stomach virtually.
This is a technique which can make an amazing difference to your weight loss
You will receive this in hypnosis .
This can help you control how much you eat as your subconscious will be convinced that your stomach is smaller and you will eat much less
I think you’ll agree when I say it’s really hard to lose weight!
Or is it?
It turns out you can lose weight the easy way with hypnotherapy and dramatically increase your weight loss success by 85% by doing one simple thing
It’s as simple as taking part in my Hypnotrim weight loss programme, either in person or online
What’s the real story?
Discover the real secret to weight loss with the best weight loss plan
Did you know your inner saboteur has been stopping you lose weight?
Has your inner voice been trying to tempt you to eat?
Does it say any of the following ?
- You are stressed, just eat and you will feel better
- You are bored , have something to eat
- You have had a hard week you deserve food or alcohol
- Don’t waste food! There are starving people in the world
- You have to be full and totally satisfied
- If someone offers me food I will take it as I don’t want to upset them
- If food is there eat it.
- Clear the plate or it’s a waste
- You can’t just have one
- If you don’t stick to healthy eating completely you have ruined it and you can always start again next week
How can you beat your inner saboteur?
You can change your subconscious hard drive !

Your subconscious is rather like the hard drive of a computer and just like a computer if it is not programmed properly it is difficult to lose weight permanently
You can beat your inner saboteur which is essentially your inner programming that has been learned over time.
How can you actually do this ?
I can help change your programming by changing your thinking and beliefs using hypnotherapy for weight loss and Cognitive Behavioural Techniques
You are also very involved in the process as you will be working at changing your beliefs. If you are willing to do this you can successfully lose weight
The people who consistently do what I advise lose weight and it is not difficult . It is about committing to listen to the audios and making some changes to your life
You will then only eat when physically hungry and stop when not hungry
You will also learn the hypno-trim technique which will help you to feel fuller more quickly so you will eat less
Heres the deal
I offer 3 main hypnotherapy sessions , plus 4 online half hour support sessions
You will receive 8 audios to work on at home.
The audios include: Weight Control, Changing Unhealthy Programming, Relaxation and an audio that you listen to as you exercise to keep you motivated. audio to reinforce the idea that your stomach is smaller and much more
Session One
Identifying your inner programming
discovering why you eat when not hungry. eg
- Comfort eating
- eating when bored
- not wanting to waste food
- having to clear the plate
This is your inner programming learned over time.
You will receive Hypnotherapy to create healthy habits
At the first session you will receive the hypno-trim technique
Session Two
Change your inner programming .
I will help you re -programme your hard drive, changing the way you think about food so that you only eat when hungry and stop when not hungry.
You will no longer comfort eat etc.
You will receive Hypnotherapy to help change your thinking
Your hypno-trim technique will be re inforced
Session three
You will receive Hypnotherapy to reinforce your inner healthy programming, making it stronger
This session is also to help boost your confidence and self esteem
Your hypno-trim technique will be re inforced
The best part?
I have kept the cost low see fees for details
Each step of the way you can feel amazing and more confident .
So wait no more contact me today to make an appointment
A questionnaire will be send to you..Once your appointment is made all you need to do to confirm is to pay £50 deposit, balance is due in cash or bank transfer at the first session.
Subsequent sessions to weight loss programme
It is very important to do sessions following the main weight loss programme to give you long term weight loss success. You wouldn’t just go to the gym seven times.
The sessions can be taken at times and dates to suit you
One in per session (Includes one online support session) £55
Book a block of 4 in person sessions (Includes 4 online support sessions )
Other Downloads available
Lose weight… Law of attraction.. Exercise Motivation
Johan was a typical comfort eater and I have had a weight problem since I was about 12 years of age .I have probably tried every diet under the sun. I would try to lose weight and then gain it back again and even more. Even when I was thinner when I was 9st I still felt fat and now I know that how I feel is all about what is going on in my mind. Every day was a battle …what can I eat..what should I eat…well now I have had a biscuit. I have ruined it . I might as well finish the packet!