The Wight Relaxation Room
Hypnotherapy in Glasgow

Hypnotherapy Course Online Stress Management

Hypnotherapy course online

My new stress/ anxiety  management programme that you can work through online on the Thinkific platform

stress at work

My stress management programme uses the powerful combination of hypnotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural therapy  (CBT)

The programme will help you explore subconscious unhealthy beliefs (CBT) that could be causing  stress and it will help you change these beliefs consciously to healthy beliefs

Then you would use the hypnotherapy  audio provided  to install these healthy beliefs into your subconcious.

It is a very simple and straight forward method that can make huge changes to your life 

Included in the programme are hypnotherapy audios that can help you relax. 

You will also receive tips on how to de stress in your daily life

I am always available for support while you work through the programme

Stress is our body’s reaction to challenges. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline.

It is when it is present for longer periods that it can  cause negative effects in the body

Stress can have such a negative effect on your life eg increasing blood pressure, therefore increasing the risk of a stroke or heart attack . Stress can  cause  weight gain through comfort eating if stressed. It can affect relationships and your work life. 

Stressed man

Download the programme now  to begin your journey  to a calmer life

Click this link to purchase

Usual price £85

SPECIAL OFFER  until end of March  2025 £55

Any questions contact me today 

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